Source code for ternip.formats.tempeval2

#!/usr/bin/env python

from collections import defaultdict
import copy

import nltk.tag

from ternip.timex import add_timex_ids

[docs]class TempEval2Document(object): """ A class which uses the format of stand-off format of TempEval-2 """ @staticmethod
[docs] def create(sents, docid=''): """ Creates a TempEval-2 document from the internal representation sents is the [[(word, pos, timexes), ...], ...] format. """ # Create a blank document d = TempEval2Document('', docid) # Add sents d.reconcile(sents) return d
[docs] def load_multi(file, dct_file): """ Load multiple documents from a single """ ds = defaultdict(list) dcts = defaultdict(str) for line in dct_file.splitlines(): parts = line.split('\t') dcts[parts[0]] = parts[1] for line in file.splitlines(): parts = line.split('\t') ds[parts[0]].append(line) docs = [] for d in ds: docs.append(TempEval2Document('\n'.join(ds[d]), d, dcts[d])) return docs
def __init__(self, file, docid='', dct='XXXXXXXX'): """ Load a document """ tok_sents = [] self.docid = docid for line in file.splitlines(): parts = line.split('\t') if len(parts) > 3: i = int(parts[1]) j = int(parts[2]) if len(tok_sents) <= i: tok_sents.insert(i, []) tok_sents[i].insert(j, parts[3]) self._sents = [[(tok, pos, set()) for (tok, pos) in nltk.tag.pos_tag(tok_sent)] for tok_sent in tok_sents] self.dct = dct
[docs] def get_sents(self): """ Returns a representation of this document in the [[(word, pos, timexes), ...], ...] format. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._sents)
[docs] def get_dct_sents(self): """ Returns the creation time sents for this document. """ return [[(self.dct, 'DCT', set())]]
[docs] def reconcile_dct(self, dct): """ Adds a TIMEX to the DCT tag and return the DCT """ pass
[docs] def reconcile(self, sents): """ Update this document with the newly annotated tokens. """ self._sents = copy.deepcopy(sents)
def _get_timex_line(self, i, j, timex): return self.docid + "\t" + str(i) + "\t" + str(j) + "\ttimex3\tt" + str( + "\t1"
[docs] def get_extents(self): """ Print out the format suitable for """ # TIMEXes need unique IDs all_ts = set() for sent in self._sents: for (tok, pos, ts) in sent: for t in ts: all_ts.add(t) add_timex_ids(all_ts) s = "" for i in range(len(self._sents)): for j in range(len(self._sents[i])): for timex in self._sents[i][j][2]: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\n" return s
[docs] def get_attrs(self): """ Print out the format suitable for """ s = '' timexes_done = set() for i in range(len(self._sents)): for j in range(len(self._sents[i])): for timex in self._sents[i][j][2]: # Only need to print attributes once if timex in timexes_done: continue else: timexes_done.add(timex) if timex.value is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tvalue\t" + timex.value + "\n" if timex.mod is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tmod\t" + timex.mod + "\n" if timex.type is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\ttype\t" + timex.type.upper() + "\n" if timex.freq is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tfreq\t" + timex.freq + "\n" if timex.comment is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tcomment\t" + timex.comment + "\n" if timex.quant is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tquant\t" + timex.quant + "\n" if timex.temporal_function: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\ttemporalFunction\ttrue\n" if timex.document_role is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tfunctionInDocument\t" + timex.document_role + "\n" if timex.begin_timex is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tbeginPoint\tt" + str( + "\n" if timex.end_timex is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tendPoint\tt" + str( + "\n" if timex.context is not None: s += self._get_timex_line(i, j, timex) + "\tanchorTimeID\tt" + str( + "\n" return s